Hello There!
Hope you are doing good!
Regarding image size and font color please share your site url, so we can provide you custom css for the same.
Regarding Social media Icon, you can use any social media or other platform from the below mentioned list.
facebook.com,twitter.com,linkedin.com,plus.google.com,youtube.com, dribbble.com,interest.com,bitbucket.org,github.com,codepen.io, flickr.com,foursquare.com,instagram.com,tumblr.com,reddit.com, vimeo.com,digg.com,twitch.tv,stumbleupon.com,delicious.com,soundcloud.com, wordpress.org,wordpress.com,jsfiddle.net,tripadvisor.com,foursquare.com, angel.co,vk.com,slack.com
You just need to add URL of the respective website from the admin panel.
Hope this helps.
Have a great day ahead!
Team ProDesigns