1. main menu
the top menu itens related to the PT Theme Addon plugin aren’t working (team, porfolio and testimonials). How to change the links? Our how to correct the issue.
Answer: You can use these IDs pt-theme-addon-testimonials-3 for testimonial, pt-theme-addon-portfolio-3 for portfolio and pt-theme-addon-our-team-3 for our team section.
2. Portfolio pages
the links to the portfolio pages are opening pages with the “not found” page error, with the portfolio type “on a separarte portfolio page” . there are missing any setting in the site configuration? how to correct it?
Answer: Please go to Settings >> Permalink and Save it once. It will reset link and portfolio page will work fine.
3. the “blog” main menu iten is not working also. How to correct it? open a page with the following message:
Not Found
Answer: Have you created Blog Page? After creating Blog page, go to Settings >> Reading and assign it to static page like shown here: https://s.nimbus.everhelper.me/share/1259339/9rn034vbh1witksks18e