Hi @romondo,
The theme’s style has been changed from your end for the text color of the menu items. On checking your website, it seems the site would need the menu items to be white for desktop or mid size screens where the burger menu is not yet triggered for display. But for mobile device, the menu item color needs to be different considering the white background of burger menu.
The below CSS rule added is changing the color to white for all devices.
.main-navigation ul li a: #fff !important;
In order to have a different menu item color for different screen sizes, please use the CSS @media queries.
You could customise it as per your need but please find below CSS rule that could be added to the style.css and update the text color.
@media screen (max-width: 1050px){
.mean-container .mean-nav ul li a{
color: #345886!important;
We hope that this solves your problem.
Thank you
Support Team
Promenade Themes