This is my first time working with wordpress, so I apologize if I am making a simple mistake. After exploring a little more, I noticed that the theme only seems to offer grid posting if you have no static front page, and if you go that route it shows all recent posts and there is no choice to arrange it by say categories of posts.
So, my current plan was to use a static front page, and then use the “Post Grid” plug in to arrange “categories” I make “i.e. home page has navigation categories, then the “Getting Started” page will have another instance of post grid this time with another custom menu/categories for all posts related to that page. Does this sound like the suggested route to go?
One think I noticed is there is no way (from what I can tell) to change the color of the border around the posts/grids.. Each one has the white border… Is there any way to change that to match the same as the background to make it invisible?