Hi @katie,
You are using Blog Way which is free theme but you are creating ticket in Blog Way Plus which is premium theme. We request you to post ticket on respective forum.
Please find answers to your question below:
#1 My navigation menu has two home links. How do I get rid of one of them?
A: Go to Appearance >> Menu and remove one of home link from there. You can find instructions to manage menu here: https://promenadethemes.com/documentation/blog-way/#Menus
#2 I want to get rid of the site title HOME that is on my homepage. How do I do that?
A: Go to Appearance >> Additional CSS and add following CSS to hide title on home page.
.home header.entry-header {
display: none;
#3 My homepage has all these weird lines. How do I get rid of them and have the background just be white?
A: It looks like you are using some page builder or similar plugin to create home page. Those lines are border of elements used by builder plugins. Please go to Appearance >> Additional CSS and add following CSS to hide these lines.
.home .panel-grid-cell .so-panel {
border: none;
.home #main article.page {
border: none;
Hope it will help you.
Thank you.