Translate text

Home Support Business Point Translate text

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #10271

    I’m testing Business Point for a dutch organization. The theme looks great but there’s one text in English that I would like to test: In the post there is a link: ‘Continue Reading’. How can I translate this text tot Dutch?


    Hello Deroderuiter,

    Unfortunately this is a bug and we will be resolving it soon in our next update.

    In the meantime if you need to implement this now, you can do this via a child theme.
    1. Create a child theme
    2. Copy the file “YOUR_SITE_ROOT/wp-content/themes/business-point/template-parts/content.php”
    3. Paste the file as “YOUR_SITE_ROOT/wp-content/themes/business-point-child/template-parts/content.php”
    4. Find “Continue Reading” and replace the word with below text code
    <?php echo esc_html__( 'Continue Reading ', 'business-point');?>

    You would not need the child theme once you would update to our next version if you haven’t made any other changes.

    Thank you
    Team ProDesigns Themes

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by ProDesigns.

    Thank you very much! It works!

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