Hello Deroderuiter,
Unfortunately this is a bug and we will be resolving it soon in our next update.
In the meantime if you need to implement this now, you can do this via a child theme.
1. Create a child theme
2. Copy the file “YOUR_SITE_ROOT/wp-content/themes/business-point/template-parts/content.php”
3. Paste the file as “YOUR_SITE_ROOT/wp-content/themes/business-point-child/template-parts/content.php”
4. Find “Continue Reading” and replace the word with below text code
<?php echo esc_html__( 'Continue Reading ', 'business-point');?>
You would not need the child theme once you would update to our next version if you haven’t made any other changes.
Thank you
Team ProDesigns Themes
This reply was modified 6 years ago by ProDesigns.